User:Nicolas Costes
CERMEP - imagerie du vivant Lyon RESEARCH ENGINEER CNRS POSITION Head of MRI-PET department, computer science and instrumentation in PET department ACTIVITY 1. Project manager of the Lyon Integrated Life Imaging (LILI) MR-PET project founded by the “2012 Equipex call Invest for the future” government initiative 2. Research in methodological development, in processing, quantification and modelling of combined positron emission tomographic and magnetice resonance imaging data 3. Consulting, support and advice for methodological preparation, realisation and data processing and statistical analysis of functional neuroimaging with MR-PET: clinical and experimental studies in neurology, cardiology, neurophamacology, and cognitive neuroscience TOPICS OF PERSONNAL RESEARCH Data analysis - Quantification of PET data: compartmental modelling with image derived arterial input function - Attenuaiton correction of PET data with MR derived attenuation map - Development of multi-atlas methods for brain MR segmentation and PET activity extraction: rat and macaca fascicularis atlas (