I have firstly obtained my medical diploma (MD) at the University of St Petersburg. Then my strong interests in brain plasticity convinced me to orient my career toward the clinical research to study the mechanisms of compensatory reorganisation for sensory and cognitive processing. I was engaged during my PhD in a large study on brain mechanisms of auditory speech processing in patients suffering from schizophrenia. During two postdoctoral stages in world-renowned laboratories (R. Naatanen and B. Mazoyer), I acquired a unique experience in on brain imaging for auditory speech processing. This work oriented me to work with Prof. Deguine (CHU Purpan, Toulouse) on compensatory plasticity for speech perception recovery in adult cochlear implanted deaf patients using PET. During all these years and successive projects, my research direction consisted in applying modern neuroimaging techniques to unravel the neuronal mechanisms of compensatory plasticity in deafness, after cochlear implantation and more recently after vascular lesions.